- Markaz-Ul-Isalm Jumu'ah prayer timing. 1st Jumu'ah prayer at 1:05 PM (Iqamah); 2nd Jumu'ah prayer at 1:45 PM (Iqamah)
Halal Investment Seminar - February 15
Markaz will be hosting a Seminar on Halal Investments & Strategic Planning, with Br. Asif Memon on Saturday February 15 after Maghrib Salah. Registration is required.
Weekly Swimming Program CANCELLED
Please note that the Saturday Swimming program is cancelled effective immeadiately!
Stay tuned for further updates regarding this program after Ramadan.
September 7, 2024
Weekly Program
Madrasah Classes Schedule
Weekday and Weekend classes commenced on September 3rd, 2024 at Markaz-ul-Islam. The schedule for classes is as follows:
Regular Class: Monday to Thursday 5:30PM - 7:30PM
Hifz Class: Monday to Thursday 5:30pm - 8:30pm and Saturday 11:00am - 2:00pm
Weekend Class: Saturday and Sunday 12:00pm -2:00pm
*Friday all classes come together from 5.30pm to 7.30pm for Islamic Studies*
When daylight saving time begins, Weekend class will be from 11:00am to 1:00pm
You may register your child online by clicking Madrasah registration below, or pick up registration form, from the office. Madrasah Registration
September 18, 2024Dr. Sadiq Lectures Videos
April 10, 2023Markaz Ul Islam Library
The Markaz ul Islam Library is up and running! Please utilize this great service to sign out Islamic books on hadith, Quran and stories.
We are always looking for donations of new and gently used children's Islamic books. Please contact info@markaz.ca if you have any to share!
September 23, 2024

Welcome To The Islam Home
Markaz ul Islam strives to be a vibrant source of guidance and knowledge of our community in Edmonton. We have established, maintained and conducted a diverse array of programs, activities and classes according to the Quran and the Sunnah of our Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam). We are dedicated to serving the needs of our community regardless of their ethnic, economic, language or racial background. We endeavor to be a catalyst for positive changes within our community through unity, leadership and action.
Learn More