• Sunrise At: 07:55
  • Sunset At: 19:33

Marriage ceremony (Nikah service)

Marriage ceremony (Nikah service)

Marriage ceremony (Nikah service)

Markaz ul Islam offers Nikah services to the community across Alberta. Please contact Imam Subrathi directly at imam@markaz.ca to arrange this service. Before commencing with a Nikah ceremony, a marriage license from the Province of Alberta must be obtained. It is required by Islamic law to have two males witnesses and a wali (guardian) for the bride. If witnesses or wali are not available to the couple, please inform the Imam ahead of time and we can assist you with that arrangement. If the bride and groom require any counselling prior to the Nikah service, we can facilitate some conversations with qualified members from our community to ensure there is an understanding of Islamic rights and responsibilities towards each other. .

Please note that photography is strictly prohibited within the masjid. We understand photos being snapped on cellphones is somewhat normalized, however, professional photographers and mixing of genders for photo purposes is strictly not allowed inside the masjid.

Markaz Ul Islam - Copyright 2012 - 2025